New 312-50v13 Test Blueprint & Test 312-50v13 Dumps Free
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ECCouncil Certified Ethical Hacker Exam (CEHv13) Sample Questions (Q551-Q556):
Password cracking programs reverse the hashing process to recover passwords. (True/False.)
- A. False
- B. True
Answer: A
Bob was recently hired by a medical company after it experienced a major cyber security breach. Many patients are complaining that their personal medical records are fully exposed on the Internet and someone can find them with a simple Google search. Bob's boss is very worried because of regulations that protect those data. Which of the following regulations is mostly violated?
- A. ISO 2002
- D. Pll
Answer: B
PHI stands for Protected Health info. The HIPAA Privacy Rule provides federal protections for private health info held by lined entities and provides patients an array of rights with regard to that info. under HIPAA phi is considered to be any identifiable health info that's used, maintained, stored, or transmitted by a HIPAA- covered entity - a healthcare provider, health plan or health insurer, or a aid clearinghouse - or a business associate of a HIPAA-covered entity, in relation to the availability of aid or payment for aid services.
It is not only past and current medical info that's considered letter under HIPAA Rules, however also future info concerning medical conditions or physical and mental health related to the provision of care or payment for care. phi is health info in any kind, together with physical records, electronic records, or spoken info.
Therefore, letter includes health records, medical histories, lab check results, and medical bills. basically, all health info is considered letter once it includes individual identifiers. Demographic info is additionally thought of phi underneath HIPAA Rules, as square measure several common identifiers like patient names, Social Security numbers, copyright numbers, insurance details, and birth dates, once they square measure connected with health info.
The eighteen identifiers that create health info letter are:
* Names
* Dates, except year
* phonephone numbers
* Geographic information
* FAX numbers
* Social Security numbers
* Email addresses
* case history numbers
* Account numbers
* Health arrange beneficiary numbers
* Certificate/license numbers
* Vehicle identifiers and serial numbers together with license plates
* Web URLs
* Device identifiers and serial numbers
* net protocol addresses
* Full face photos and comparable pictures
* Biometric identifiers (i.e. retinal scan, fingerprints)
* Any distinctive identifying variety or code
One or a lot of of those identifiers turns health info into letter, and phi HIPAA Privacy Rule restrictions can then apply that limit uses and disclosures of the data. HIPAA lined entities and their business associates will ought to guarantee applicable technical, physical, and body safeguards are enforced to make sure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of phi as stipulated within the HIPAA Security Rule.
Todd has been asked by the security officer to purchase a counter-based authentication system. Which of the following best describes this type of system?
- A. A biometric system that bases authentication decisions on physical attributes.
- B. An authentication system that uses passphrases that are converted into virtual passwords.
- C. An authentication system that creates one-time passwords that are encrypted with secret keys.
- D. A biometric system that bases authentication decisions on behavioral attributes.
Answer: C
Mary found a high vulnerability during a vulnerability scan and notified her server team. After analysis, they sent her proof that a fix to that issue had already been applied. The vulnerability that Marry found is called what?
- A. Brute force attack
- B. Backdoor
- C. False-positive
- D. False-negative
Answer: C
Explanation: and-false-negatives/ False positives are mislabeled security alerts, indicating there is a threat when in actuality, there isn't. These false/non-malicious alerts (SIEM events) increase noise for already over-worked security teams and can include software bugs, poorly written software, or unrecognized network traffic.
False negatives are uncaught cyber threats - overlooked by security tooling because they're dormant, highly sophisticated (i.e. file-less or capable of lateral movement) or the security infrastructure in place lacks the technological ability to detect these attacks.
What is the minimum number of network connections in a multi homed firewall?
- A. 0
- B. 1
- C. 2
- D. 3
Answer: B
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